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The Grand Plaza: An Axis for Identitary Assembly

Year: 2020 | Location: Macroplaza de Monterrey, NL, Mexico | Typology: Master plan, cultural | Team: Daniela Martínez Chapa, Rodrigo Gastélum Garza and Elizabeth Martínez Esteve

With this urban, landscape and architectural proposal on the Macroplaza, what was previously fragmented by an unresolved overcomplexity is articulated in: styles, views, levels and a hierarchy of the automobile.

Monumentality is recalibrated, humanized by focusing on the pedestrian and mobility alternatives; Social justice is promoted by including the immediate context such as Colonia Independencia and visually light and permeable buildings are arranged with activities for various users.

The space is also renaturalized with native vegetation of Nuevo León and existing historical landmarks are revalued. The existing public space of the Macroplaza (La Gran Plaza) is transformed into an axis for the identity assembly of its physical context and Monterrey memory.

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